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Ima blondie, I like clean things, Orlando Bloom=LUV and...yesh.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

I am an Angel...

...So sayeth my mother. Little does she know. Mwaa haa ha ha ha!! Speaking of angels and heavenly sort of white creamy linens and silk stuff that I am so prone to wreak (whoopsie!) I am starting a new, clean school year. 182 full days to be terrible and very evil. JK. Just kiddin'! I'm so sweet and elegant and cherubic that I make my BROTHER look devil-ish. Not that that is saying much... you kind of lose a large chunk of your trust and love when you get hit in the face with a BB Gun bullet. But that's okay.
School is fab. Seeing all your friends, all your enemies... getting to torment them for another whole year... glorious, glorious, times. But... not everyone welcomes homework and normal work with the same open arms. The novelty wears off after 4 hours and 7 minutes. Which sucks. We work for 7 hours a day, why should we be forced to work even more?
Anyways... live long and prosper. (As a faithful Star Trekker)