Ok, I have to say- I didn't come up with that title. My mom did. I am trying to be unique here, but that's hard to when you don't even know what 'mundane' means. For all you people like me here, mundane means ordinary. Unlike me. Or meatloaf. Come to think of it, neither are gumdrops. Not that I want to be compared to meatloaf. Please, compare me to a graceful rose or something lovely like that, and notice how I greatly out-grace that flower. Or out-something whatever amazing quality that something has. Notice my beauty, notice my elegance in my writing. Notice that I only have one paragraph so far. Wait- that's not a good thing, is it? My first post. Thus concludes the section in which where I elaborate upon how wonderful I am. Just so you know.
This, to me, is much better than writing a story. Because, writing a story ALWAYS takes SO DARN LONG. It is not FAIR to me and my poor attention-span to take more than 15 minutes to do something I do not enjoy. This is better. But please, don't expect some new post EVERY STINKING DAY. I am NOT that kind of person. Just expect maybe once every 3 days. Expect the worst, I always say. Actually, I never say that. I say lots of things, maybe too much.
Have you ever been on a motorcycle? I am asking this because a)I want to actually have at least one complete sentence here, and b)'cause I just wanna know! The thing is, you can be going about 20 kilometes per hour and feel like you're going 70. It's nice knowing you're not going to die if you crash. Although you'll get a gosh-darned burn on your thigh.
Just in case I become famous someday, (I'm NOT at all saying anything) I think maybe I should post some info about me. NOT personal information, because, as everyone knows, remember in kindergarten? STRANGER DANGER! Golly gee, I remember a lot of things from kindergarten. Like the months of the year song. January, February, March and April, May, June, July and August... I STILL use that song to remember what order those darned months are in. Anywho, info. Yes, info. Oke doke. My ABSOLUTE, INDEFINATE favourite colour is... GREEN! Woot woot! And... I love... (drumroll, please) uh, er... LOTS OF STUFF! Woo! School rocks, my bestest friends rock, I rock, (oh yeah, I'm DONE with bragging about my awesomeness) Games rock, (especially POKER, 'cause my besties TAUGHT me how!) I love to babysit...
HEY! Speaking of babysitting, I have been babysitting today! Lots! But only my siblings, thats fun too, but the novelty of that just isn't as exciting. I don't know why, I just can't put my gosh-darned finger on it. Plus, this one family I babysit for gives me LOTS of junkfood! My parents NEVER give me so much stuff that I have unexpected cramps in my gut for 4 weeks after! Hey! Hey! HEY! Ok, somehow writing mean things on the computer isn't as effective for getting things you want as yelling them so that the neighbours 5 houses down can hear. Stupid life.
Ok, I'm DONE with my first post. So... good riddance, fellow bloggers, and I hope you have nice lives. Live long and prosper. (Get it? From STAR TREK!)
Love me.
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