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Ima blondie, I like clean things, Orlando Bloom=LUV and...yesh.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

My Wolverine Man

Ok, that last post was an accident. Whoops. Hey, you know about the poop guy blowing up the Sun and whatnot? Well, I decided against the idea. He can blow up the Moon if he wants to. My wolverine man will blow up the Sun with a giant needle full of green poison. Then of course we'll all live in Snuggies underground- OOHHH! And all the criminals will be thrown above ground to freeze! But wait. Who will dig the holes? Hmmm.... maybe my dad. They would need to be close to the center of the Earth, so we could be warm and cozy. I get on to that. Just give him a thermos of hot chocolate with whipped cream, and he's on a roll! My wolverine man is pretty cool- he's a mutant. He's also my BFF. He has really long claws. The red eyes are sort of creepy, and that's why I bought him a pair of dark sunglasses for his birthday!!
Oh, just a reminder, he will get to work in about 7 days, (it will take him 4 days to blast to the Sun) so everyone remember to buy your Snuggie! It is pretty cool, because they come in multi colours. I know, right?
BT (burnt toast)

This post is an accident.

Please do not take any notice of this post. Just think of Telus ads. (Aren't they awesome????)
See ya.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Nutcracker Ballet

Whoever made up the term 'ballet' probably lived 56,000 years ago. Like, have you ever thought about how stinking old the stupid dance is? (No offense to all those ballerinas and ballerboys out there [is that really what you call boy ballerinas?]) Anyway, my mum, sister and I are going to see the Nutcracker ballet. My brothers are seeing Fantastic Mr. Fox. NOT a ballet. Wouldn't that be weird, a bunch of little animals, prancing around in tutus? Haha. I tried to be a ballerina once, at school. My friend is a ballerina, and lets just say I failed even more than I failed at being a vegetarian. (I had a delicious sausage the first night. BY ACCIDENT.) How is it possible to fall on both arms and both legs at once? Seriously, I think I pulled something that day. BUT maybe I can't do ballet, but I CAN do clapping routines! =] =] No. That's mostly my mum. =] =] But I think clapping routines are pretty cool in their own way! Ok, I'm gonna do SpellCheck now. They said I spelled 'ballerboys' wrong. Also 'haha', 'Ok', and 'SpellCheck.' But I like how I spelled spellcheck. It's pretty cool, so I'm not changing it.
My mum bought this totally awesome glasses case for her PHONE!!! I really want to steal it, but I'll have to wait until she's out running or something. It's sparkly silver and totally gigantic. I'm staring longingly at it. But then I just spelled longingly wrong. Darn. Plus, she doesn't even have glasses! But I DO!!! Golly!
Luv Burnt Toast. (My new name)

Friday, November 27, 2009

A Little Note on Flossing Part II

Why flossing, you may ask. What's the point of putting string in your teeth? Yes, it can be useful if, for instance, you have gigantor teeth (like me) and have just eaten corn. On the cob. It's not the most pleasant look to have like, yellow bits in your teeth!

Did you like my picture last post? I like it a lot. AND... EYE WAZ TEH WON HOO POOT ON TEH EYES AND MOWTH!!!! WOW!!! (oh, and the eyebrows.) Er, the comment, on the last post, that was actually my mum. NOT me. Just so you know.

OH!!! Do you like my new look? I think it rocks. Especially how it's green. And other colours. Not just navy. Not slamming navy, but when something is the colour of my uniform for school, (Eurugh....) I'm not all that fond.

Do you like the picture? It's my hammy star again. (I wish. Oliver is much fatter and he is usually seen with his mouth full.) Maybe this is him as a baby! Ok, here's another one... wait for it... Ok, never mind. The computer isn't letting me.

See ya.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

My mum made me write this. I really thought it was a waste of time, seeing as I am a busy girl with much to do. Lots. Much. Whateva. Seriously, I could be climbing Mt. Everest right now, but nooo... wee baby Joouls has to print in her itty-bitty bloggiekins! There are hundreds of things I could be doing, just to name a few, (mostly to take up space) eating a simosa, wreaking my mum's camera, figuring out how to hack into my principal's private computer, washing my hands with candy-corn flavoured soap to prevent H1N1, setting the house on fire, digging a hole to China, trying to figure out how to do magic, and more!

Ok, here is a picture, because that is just the kind of techie I am. Isn't it awesome? Soon this little fella will grow up to be big and strong, and then take over the earth, blow up the Sun, and we will have to all live underground in Snuggies with our families. The end.