My mum made me write this. I really thought it was a waste of time, seeing as I am a busy girl with much to do. Lots. Much. Whateva. Seriously, I could be climbing Mt. Everest right now, but nooo... wee baby Joouls has to print in her itty-bitty bloggiekins! There are hundreds of things I could be doing, just to name a few, (mostly to take up space) eating a simosa, wreaking my mum's camera, figuring out how to hack into my principal's private computer, washing my hands with candy-corn flavoured soap to prevent H1N1, setting the house on fire, digging a hole to China, trying to figure out how to do magic, and more!
Ok, here is a picture, because that is just the kind of techie I am. Isn't it awesome? Soon this little fella will grow up to be big and strong, and then take over the earth, blow up the Sun, and we will have to all live underground in Snuggies with our families. The end.
wow. you are so insightful. i'm scared of that poop boy growing up to take over the world. i love your tasteful way of looking at the world.